Britain Moving Towards Ties With Hizbullah?

nasralah.jpgDespite Israeli objections, the British government is planning to open a diplomatic channel with the political arm of Hizbullah, a step that will grant the terrorist organization more than a measure of legitimacy.

Minister of State for the Middle East Bill Rammell MP reports that in light of progress in Lebanon, with Hizbullah joining the government, Britain is now moving towards establishing a channel of dialogue with the terror organization’s political wing.

While Britain has not maintained contact with Hizbullah since 2005, according to a BBC report, British diplomatic officials in Lebanon have already opened a channel with Hizbullah members in the Lebanese government.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. The British behaved the same way during the British Mandate. Eventhough they claimed to be neutral the nevertheless always seemed to side with the Arabs. Some things seem to stay the same and never change.

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