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Clinton Visits With PA Leaders in Ramallah

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday continued her first official regional visit in her senior post, making a stop in PA (Palestinian Authority)-controlled Ramallah, where she met with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) and other officials.

Abu Mazen expressed concerns that the incoming Israeli administration headed by Binyamin Netanyahu may not be committed to continuing the diplomatic process with the PA, fearing the limited progress made be lost as  a result of the new administration. He also fears Netanyahu may not be willing to advance the ‘two-state solution’ plan that calls for the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, which he envisions will share Jerusalem as its capital.

Addressing internal Israeli policy, the secretary expressed her concerns and disapproval of Israel’s decision to raze a number of illegal Arab homes in the eastern capital, stating the move is a violation of Israel’s commitment under the Roadmap Plan. The secretary added she plans to raise the issue of the planned demolitions with the incoming administration and Jerusalem City Hall.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. What is the matter with you people? Jerusalem is the city of the Great King. It belongs to no one here on earth, you are tenants in His Land. Now if you were a landlord, what would you do if your tenants decided they were going to cut your land in half? SELAH.

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