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A Special Tefillas Shachris with Gaza War Wounded

kosel.jpgA special shachris tefilla took place last week at the Kosel, attended by soldiers who sustained serious and critical injuries in Operation Cast Lead, each reciting Birchas HaGomel.

The special tefilla was arranged by Rav Shlomo Biladi of the Tzahar organization, who spoke of the emotion that was evident as each of the victims recited HaGomel.

According to a report in the daily HaMevaser, the soldiers are still admitted to the rehabilitation unit of Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, and are undergoing the difficult process of rehabilitating their lives. The soldiers were joined at the Kosel by their families.

The hospital’s rav, Rabbi Yisrael Solomon, has been making daily visits to the rehab unit since the war to encourage the soldiers who are in a most difficult period of their lives. When he entered last week, one of the soldiers surprised him, asking to arrange for all of them to be taken to the Kosel, feeling a need to express that thanks to HaKadosh Baruch Hu.

After the davening and tehillim, they all took part in a seuda in the Old City, during which Rav Solomon addressed the forum, speaking of the miracles and the chasdei Hashem that has brought them all to this point. The Rav also mentioned the significance of the day, erev Rosh Chodesh Adar, explaining the koach of the month and its healing abilities.

Later on, the group stopped at the Kfar Ata Kever of the Kretchnif Rebbe, after whom Tzahar is named (Tzvi Hirsh Rosenbaum), as well as stopping at Kever Rachel, where they davened for themselves and all the sick of Am Yisrael.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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