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Midday News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

**The IDF has reopened as checkpoint between Bet Lechem and Abu Dis.

**Security officials have released a terror alert to hitchhikers in Yehuda and Shomron that terrorists are working to abduct Israelis.

**Kassam rocket fell in the Negev area and south of Ashkelon at about 9:30pm Tuesday night. There were no injuries or reports of damage.

**The Jubara Checkpoint on the road between Tulkarem and Kalkilye has been removed by the IDF.
**Security agencies in southern Israel on Wednesday are taking part in a major training event, a simulated terrorist land and sea attack.

**After 6 years of delay, the trial of 8 Remedia baby formula defendants gets underway in the Petach Tikvah Magistrate’s Court.

**There are calls to dismiss the commander of the Israel Navy; Admiral Eliezer Marom, after it was learned earlier in the week he decided to visit a most inappropriate Tel Aviv disco.

**The Ohf Ha’emek chicken plan in the north may close due to a NIS 10 million debt. About 200 employees may lose their jobs.

**Officials are hopeful that the NIS 105 million offer for the ailing Pri Galil factory in Chatzor HaGlilit will go through and save hundreds of jobs.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN)

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