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IDF Chief Angry at DM Barak

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi had some harsh words for Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Tuesday, questioning his judgment when he told Labor faction members that he is being urged by senor officials, including IDF officers, to enter the coalition government. Barak attempted to downplay the issue in an effort to appease the commander’s anger, but Ashkenazi was not permitting the matter to be pushed under the carpet.

Barak insists that his words were taken out of context, explaining he was referring to “former” IDF officers, senior officers who are now retired, but when asked, Labor faction members report another story, more in line with the statements as they were understood by Ashkenazi. Barak’s explanation was echoed in a statement to the press from Ronen Moshe, the minister’s media advisor, who stated the defense minister was referring to retired officers, not current senior members of the military. 

This incident is just one of the consequences of Barak’s zealous negotiating efforts, trying to secure an attractive package from Likud to enter the coalition government, and simultaneously, seeking to persuade faction members and party leaders that the nation’s best interests will be served by Labor entering the coalition rather than joining Kadima in opposition.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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