Indictment Handed Down Against Miller in Japan Drug Case

court hammer.jpgBentzion Miller (Jerusalem), who is described by the Israeli media as a member of the Satmar community, was indicted on Monday for allegedly running an international drug ring. The 32-year-old defendant is alleged to have operated a drug ring that spanned areas of Europe and the Far East, entrapping yeshiva bochrim in his diabolical drug net, as is the case with the three yeshiva bochrim sitting in a Japanese prison today.

Among the state’s witnesses in the case will be members of Japan’s police involved in the case.

Israel Police are still searching for another member of the ring, also linked to the chareidi community, believed to be hiding in Europe, who they believe is a major player in deceiving unsuspecting yeshiva students into agreeing to act as couriers.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. Good news for “Adar” – now does that mean that the yeshiva boys in Japan will be now be free to come home ?

  2. To all the commenters to the previous article who are concerned about Hilchos Lashon Harah: Are you the same people who invoke these sacred Halachos to protect child molesters? There too, maybe you’ll say there is no To’eles; just train children how to avoid being vulnerable. My response: Of course children should be trained to avoid being vulnerable. But if someone is a known molester, I want to know about it so I can keep my children away from him. The same is true here: Of course no one should accept packages from strangers, no matter how Frum they may appear. But maybe the accused will take time to get to know some other vulnerable Bochurim, to the point that he will no longer be a stranger, but a “friend.” The only solution to minimize, if not eliminate, any further Redifus is to publicize his name. To the extent that a Sheilah needs to be asked, I have no doubt that Yeshiva World asked it. Tizku L’Mitzvos!

  3. To Danielb43: Even so, there are halachos that must be followed. For example, if you say something derogatory about somebody and it’s for a to’eles, you must FIRST say that it’s for a to’eles. Additionally, there may be other problems, like repeating something that you don’t know for a fact that it’s true. (who are you going to believe, the witnesses? Who are they that you knoe that you can trust them?)

    A freilichen adar 🙂

  4. To Bob Squappstien (#8): Let me get this straight. If I want to inform someone that Ploni is a child molester, I first need to let him know that it’s l’Toeles. Good to know. What about letting someone know that Almoni is a serial killer?

  5. “is described by the Israeli media as a member of the Satmar community”

    why not just “a member of the Satmar community” (if anything must be said at all)? is it not true?

  6. The unfortunate truth is that there are people who are thought of and spoken of as child molesters who have not been given a trial, a stand in front of a bais din, or even the opportunity to defend themselves. It could happen to you. Let’s only publicize the names of people WHOSE CASES HAVE BEEN PROVEN. Not the victims of an unfortunate mob-mentality society.

  7. Anonymous- Gut gezugt. One problem Israel usually gets back dead bodies for thousands of live ones. I don’t think they can pull off a good business deal like your suggesting. Maybe they can hire Nasralla to broker the deal. Then we have a good chance!!
    A freilechen tomid!!

  8. To #11: I’m not talking about giving credence to every isolated accusation, but where the story has been corroborated multiple times, to no avail.

  9. Even Arutz Sheva [no great fans of chareidim] made a point to describe this defendent as ” one who dresses chareidi”

    The fact that YW was JUST referencing israeli media, is a lame exuse.

  10. I think it would be a great idea to write a letter to the japanese gov. while they wont read it , at least the numbers may make someone take notice. Does anyone have the address of the Japanese government. Who do I address it to.

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