IDF to Begin Distribution of Gas Mask Protection Kits

gm.jpgThe IDF’s Homefront Command in the coming months will begin distributing gas mask personal protection kits, beginning in areas “under threat”. During the past two years, about 80% of the masks were collected from citizens and now, the decision was made to redistribute the refurbished kits. In actuality, the distribution was to have begun in January 2009, but a disagreement between the treasury and the Defense Ministry as to which agency is responsible to cover the cost led to delays.

Defense Ministry officials announce the redistribution will take five years, beginning in “threatened areas”, and then other areas of the country, with the Defense Ministry receiving NIS 170 million a year towards the project.

Because of budgetary considerations and limitations, the distribution is being carried out over a number of years, first targeting the areas we perceive under a greater threat, explained Brigadier-General Ze’ev Schneur, who is an advisor to the defense minister. He explained the operation will be carried out by a company under contract, but if chas v’sholom there is an immediate need to reach all citizens, the distribution will be taken over by the Homefront Command.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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