NIS 43 Million for Pope’s Visit

As Israel prepares for the visit of Pope Benedict XVI in May, NIS 43 million has been allocated to cover the event. In connection to some of the sensitive decisions, such as the pope visiting Har HaBayis, the decision will be left to the prime minister.

The visit will be the current pope’s first to Israel. The last papal visit was in 2000, when Pope John Paul II decided to come in his official capacity. He became the first pope to visit Jerusalem and pray at the Kosel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. #1 keeping the yeshiva world abreast on all that is happing in the world with out the garbage secular news outlets expose you to

  2. #1 To let us know of this great abuse of Israeli taxpayers’ money towards the defiling of Holy soil with the whore of idolatry himself! Jerusalem and her purity should vomit this man out of her sacred sanctuary.

    If this filthy gentile knew his bible he would be aware of the fact that the defiled and uncircumcised are most unwelcome in God’s chosen city (Isa 52:51, Ez 44:19)

    May we see the fulfillment of there scriptures very soon.

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