Kashrus Forum in Gadera

kosher.gifHundreds of mashgichim and rabbonim involved in the kashrus industry took part in Sunday night’s first Kashrus Forum, which was hosted Harmonia B’Gan Hall in Gadera. Also in attendance were a number of major players in Israel’s food industry.

A panel of kashrus experts and senior officials from “Tamin”, “Yakvei Arza”, “Elite”, and other companies were on hand. They explained their contacts and their work in addition to their contacts with officials of the Eida Chareidis.

Among the participants was Rav Yaakov Weiss, a senior kashrus figure, who at 5pm Sunday afternoon arrived in Eretz Yisrael to attend the conference, returning from N. America, and at midnight, boarded a flight to China, where he will be inspecting factories.

A video presentation was shown, giving a glimpse of the Shmitah operation of the Badatz Eida Chareidis, how fields and other aspects of food operations are monitored live by mashgichim who use advanced technology.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Where was all of the notices letting those of us that would have attended the conference know that there was this conference? Is there a mailing and if so; how does one sign up? Not impressed with the traveling that Rav Weiss does as I too am no youngster and have done the same trips with different stopovers.

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