Ashkelon school Principal Yitzchak Abarjil explains he was in shul, at a family simcha on Shabbos morning when sirens sounded at about 8:40am. A few minutes later, a “most powerful explosion” was heard and a short time later, he learned from a security official that his school was hit.
Abarjil made his way to the school, confirming the destruction from the 170mm rocket was massive, heavily damaging no less than eight classrooms. “Glass, concrete, furniture were everywhere. The sight was horrible…forget the physical damage. Seeing the destruction and realizing what could have been chas v’sholom is really frightening. Every metallic ball [contained in the rocket] leaving its mark in the stone walls could have been a student, an innocent pupil. We have grown too accustomed to the situation. Not enough is being done to stop the attacks.”
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)