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Rockets Slam Ashkelon, Netivot and Other Areas on Shabbos

kass2.jpgThroughout areas of southern Israel, to the dismay of residents, more than heavy rain was falling over Shabbos. Residents in Ashkelon, Netivot, S’dot Shar HaNegev, Eshkol Regional Council and other areas had their Shabbos marred by rocket attacks from northern Gaza.

One of the Katyusha rockets landed in an Ashkelon school, resulting in heavy damage. A police officer operating on the scene following the attack stated Baruch Hashem the rocket landed on Shabbos, when the building was empty.

Perhaps more alarming is the fact that a portion of the damaged area was an area designated by the IDF’s Homefront Command as a ‘safe zone’ to be used to provide shelter during rocket attacks. The area did not hold up and if children would have been in, the results would have been catastrophic. According to one unconfirmed report, the rocket used was a ‘new grade’ but details are not released.

The school struck in the attack will remain closed on Sunday while officials seek an alternative site for classes. Ashkelon officials report that other city schools will continue, unwilling to permit the attack to once again disrupt the school year. Local officials made their decision in concert with IDF commanders in the area, who favor continuing with the daily routine. Some area residents however are frightened and perplexed as to why the government is permitting the situation to deteriorate to what it was prior to Operation Cast Lead.

At least 10 people were taken to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon, most suffering from hysteria and a small number treated for light injuries.

Rockets fell in southern areas on erev Shabbos, during the entire Shabbos and continued on motzei Shabbos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. This report MUST be some sort of mistake. His Excellency Ehud Olmert stated very clearly at the end of Operation Cast Lead, that all our goals had been achieved, – and since the main goal was stopping rocket launchings, this information MUST be an error! It just MUST be, because otherwise… well – otherwise… that would mean the Prime Minister was… lying! Oh my, that would be… unthinkable!

  2. How come this report is not being reported in the mass media? They seem to have jumped on Israel whenever they defend themselves. These attacks against the state of Israel is outrageous but the lack of coverage and outrage by worldwide mass media is even more outrageous.

  3. no, olmert(Yimach Sho) was not lying. There were no rockets. It was a figment of someone’s imagination. the story is not true,only propaganda. we destroyed Gaza.This cant be possible.

  4. Hmm, I thonk CNN bacame Shomer Shabbos, they seem to not know that rockets were falling on Israel. Perhaps on Shabbos they don’t follow the news.

  5. I can just hear Hamas, “Come on Israel, WE DARE YOU.” WE have the media in our pocket and you Israel are the bad guy! Why, it is a perfect stage for anti-semetism across the world! Based on history, we all know what follows that! G-d forbid I should even say it!

  6. Why is the attacking of the school in the regular news. When the UN claimed their school was attacked by Israel it made head line news. Here a school is really attacked and there is nothing in the papers. I am so frustrated with Israel for having such poor PR. They should be calling a press conference at the site, and like the UN did carry on how if it had been a weekday how many children whould have died. Israel is its own worst enemy. It is only through G-d’s will that it survives.

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