Foreign Ministry Pushing Two-State Solution

The incoming prime minister may be perceived as right-wing, but the director-general of the Foreign Ministry, Aaron Abramowitz has his own agenda, promoting efforts towards the creation of a Palestinian state.

According to a document released by Abramowitz, the number one priority of the ministry in 2009 is advancing talks and other efforts towards actualizing the ‘two-state solution’, namely the creation of a PA (Palestinian Authority) state alongside Israel. The internal ministry memo is intended to send a clear message to members of the Israeli diplomatic corps around the world, to push the ministry’s agenda in the international community.

Abramowitz also feels advancing the diplomatic process will also serve to further isolate Iran and thwart Tehran’s nuclear ambitions.

The working plan also views Egypt as the preferred broker between Israel and Hamas; to act aggressively to restore strained relations with Turkey; and regarding Hamas, to turn to the Quartet demanding the terror organization abandons the use of terror as a means to accomplish its goals, to recognize Israel and to honor signed agreements.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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