Opening Day of the 18th Knesset

Some 1,000 people will be on hand today, Tuesday, for the opening session of the new 18th Knesset. This number includes the members of the government, MKs, state officials and of course, the friends and family members invited to take part in the ceremonious session. Veteran MKs receive two invitations for guests and new MKs, five.

Among the notables expected to attend today’s session are President Shimon Peres, Chief Rabbis Shlomo Moshe Amar Shlita and Yona Metzger Shlita, Supreme Court President Dorit Beinish, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi, member of the IDF General Staff, Police Chief Dudi Cohen, Israel Police senior commanders, diplomatic officials and former cabinet ministers.

The acting Knesset Speaker (Likud) Michael Eitan, will preside over the special session since he is the veteran legislator, in Knesset since 1984. Eitan is entitled to a police escort and other perks in his temporary capacity but has waved the prestige, explaining he plans to arrive in Knesset in his private vehicle and does not require the fanfare.

Eitan will read the pledge of office to which the MKs will respond, thereby accepting the responsibilities of a member of Knesset.

Despite good intentions, Eitan will not be able to do much because even after the MKs are sworn in; there is no coalition, a transition government, and a state of transition. The Knesset committees will be in transition state, and in essence, the only efforts ongoing are those towards forming a coalition government. Eitan has already announced he does not plan to call sessions just for the show, explaining that there is nothing that can be accomplished and as such, nothing will happen. 

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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