Is the White House Launching Diplomatic Relations with Hamas?

fbu.jpgAccording to the Hamas-affiliated Palestine newspaper, visiting US Senator John Kerry delivered a letter to Hamas leaders from US President Barak Obama. According to the report, Hamas officials have responded and Kerry confirms that he is bringing a letter back to the United States to be given to the appropriate officials on Capitol Hill.

According to al-Jazeera reports, Hamas is calling on the US president to make good on his campaign promise and to reevaluate America’s relationship with Israel based on Israel’s harsh treatment of the Palestinian people. Hamas also points out it came to power as a result of legitimate democratic elections and as such, the international community must reevaluate its policies vis-à-vis the Hamas administration in Gaza.

It is reported the senator did not wish to take the letter but ultimately, he was persuaded to take it back with him.

According to the Arab media reports, the letter intended for the American president also speaks of Hamas’ willingness to enter into a long-term ceasefire agreement with Israel in exchange for an “end to the occupation and an Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 boundaries”.

A senior official added that Ahmed Yousef, a senior aide to Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah wrote the letter, and acted on his own, without consent from the prime minister.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. There is nothing legitimate about Hamas. Obama so much as said so in his speech asking palestinians what has Hamas done to build a middle class, educated their children….etc. Further, Obama stated on ARAB television that Israel is a great ally to the US and nothing will change Israel from being a great ally to the US.

    What does all that mean or prove? I dont know. Our train now has three wheels off the track and it got that way because the experts did not know what they were doing under Bush/Cheney.

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