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President Peres Rolls to Roll Up His Sleeves on Friday Morning

peres2.jpgPresident Shimon Peres on Friday morning will meet with Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu and Kadima leader Tzipi Livni in the hope of finding some common ground, a way to persuade the party leaders to enter into a broad-based coalition government.

All signs indicate Mr. Peres’ efforts will not succeed, with Livni indicating that she will not enter into a coalition headed by Likud if the deal does not include a rotating premiership position. Netanyahu stated such an arrangement is a non-starter as far as he is concerned.

In any event, Netanyahu is expected to receive the presidential mandate to attempt to build a coalition government. A formal announcement from the president regarding the mandate is expected before Shabbos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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