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Peres to Push for a Broad Coalition Solution

President Shimon Peres will meet with both Binyamin Netanyahu and Tzipi Livni, at which time it is expected that the president will apply pressure towards Likud and Kadima sitting in a broad-based coalition.

Despite the conditions set by Yisrael Beitenu, that Kadima be included in a coalition, it is not too likely that this will occur, since Tzipi Livni is indicating that without an agreement by which the premiership would be rotated between Likud and Kadima, she is off to the opposition. Likud leader Netanyahu stated on a number of occasions that a rotation is out of the question, a non-starter, but welcomes Kadima into a coalition headed by Likud.

Nevertheless, the president is perhaps the most seasoned of the Israeli diplomats today, having himself been in a rotation leadership position, and he will exert a modicum of pressure on the candidates to work it out and form a joint government.

The president is planning to meet separately with both Netanyahu and Livni on Friday and in all likelihood; he will announce his decision before Shabbos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. The Bible says, Can two people walk TOGETHER without agreeing on the DIRECTION?????
    Both Livni and Netanyahu have a specific direction, actually, totally opposite from each other!
    Whoever yields to the direction of Adonai as written in scripture is going in the RIGHT DIRECTION. G-d said DONT DIVIDE MY LAND!!
    Plain as could be.

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