Tuesday Afternoon News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

A bus was damaged in a rock-throwing attack during the afternoon hours in the Ramallah district. Earlier in the afternoon, Jewish motorists were targeted in rock-throwing attacks in the Chevron district. Baruch Hashem, no injuries.

12:50: IDF soldiers apprehended Arabs near Elon Moreh in Shomron as they were setting up a rock roadblock on the area road. They were found to be concealing a makeshift weapon and firebombs.

13:35: Three Arabs were arrested at the Birzeit Checkpoint in the Ramallah area after soldiers found an M-16 hidden in their vehicle.

13:53: One person was lightly injured when Arabs threw rocks at Jews during a levaya on Har HaZeisim. A number of vehicles were damaged. An Arab youth believed responsible for the attacks was taken into custody by police later in the afternoon.

14:30: A number of Israelis were arrested on suspicion of connection to an international drug ring. The drug ring, which operated out of Netanya, reportedly has dealings in S. America, India and Europe.

14:30: An Israeli motorist was lightly injured in a rock-throwing attack in Shomron near the Maale Michmas gas station.

14:56: A bus traveling in Meah Shearim on Tuesday afternoon was attacked with rocks by chareidim, reportedly because men and women were not seated separately. Baruch Hashem, no injuries. The bus was damaged.

16:00: A firebomb was hurled at a bus traveling on the Abud Bypass Road. No injuries.

**PA Prime Minister Salim Fayyad announced he will not give donor funds to rebuild Gaza to Hamas, but will make direct payments to homeowners.

**The House Iru’im Ltd. Catering hall on Avoda Street in Ashdod was closed by the Ministry of Health due to serious violations pertaining to sanitary conditions and food preparations.

**The dollar continues to gain on the shekel, reaching NIS 4.138/$ and NIS 5.2252/€.

**Likud officials are indicating that Yahadut HaTorah plans to recommend to President Peres that the presidential mandate to establish a coalition be given to Likud.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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