Coalition Scene a Very Divided One

bibin3.jpgPresident Shimon Peres on Wednesday night will meet with the leaders of Kadima and Likud in what in essence is a formality, aware that both party leaders will recommend that they receive the mandate to form a government.

Both Tzipi Livni and Binyamin Netanyahu continue to release statements expressing confidence they will head the next government, and at present, the situation appears somewhat deadlocked, due primarily to Yisrael Beitenu, who appears uncommitted to either larger party. While Avigdor Lieberman’s representatives have held talks with Kadima, with Kadima signaling a willingness to accept most of his platform, Livni still lacks enough support for a coalition since Labor and Meretz have indicated they are not sitting in a coalition with Yisrael Beitenu.

On the other side of the political spectrum, Lieberman joining a Likud-led coalition is also not a given, and even if his platform is accepted by Netanyahu, it will significantly complicate bringing in chareidi parties. Even if Labor joins, which is highly unlikely, Shas and others are needed for a stable coalition.

It now appears that when Yisrael Beitenu meets with President Shimon Peres on Thursday morning, the party will recommend the presidential mandate be given to Avigdor Lieberman, or alternatively, he will abstain, not recommending Likud or Kadima.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. I bet Lieberman will recommend himself as Prime Minister, since everyone needs him.
    Minsk will turn into the capital city, as his financial backing comes from there.
    The Russian Orthodox church will have a say in religious matters.

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