Justice Eliezer Rivlin on Wednesday at 6:00PM will present President Shimon Peres with the official and final results of the election, permitting Mr. Peres to begin the process of meeting with party leaders towards making a decision regarding the presidential mandate.
The president will on Thursday night meet with meet with Tzipi Livni (19:15) of Kadima and Binyamin Netanyahu of Likud (20:15), followed by representatives of the other parties.
His schedule on Thursday one is a hectic one, beginning with Balad (09:45), Yisrael Beitenu (10:30), Shas (11:15), Labor (15:45), Hadash (16:30), Ra’am – Ta’al (17:00), Ichud HaLeumi (17:30), Yahadut HaTorah (18:10). On Friday, he will meet with Meretz at 09:45 and Bayit Yehudi at 10:15.
It is hoped that Mr. Peres will announce his decision before Shabbos.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
One Response
That’s one nice, long lunch break, a good 4-and-a-half hours. Nor does his day start at the crack of dawn.
With Presidents like Peres no wonder all government offices are open during the most inconvenient hours (with a big lunch-break, of course). 🙂