Cabinet: No Deal Without Shalit

gilad4.jpg1:45PM IL: As Gilad Shalit marks 969 days in Hamas captivity, the National Security Cabinet voted to adopt Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s position, that the opening of Gaza crossings will only take place when Gilad Shalit is released. The prime minister announced the issue of an agreement for a ceasefire and other matters will all be address after Shalit is released.

At the end of the over four-hour meeting, the prime minister read from the 2008 document of the first ceasefire with Hamas, which stated the matter of Gilad Shalit remains a high priority and only following his release will issue discuss other strategic matters, explaining Hamas must now release Shalit before the blockade on Gaza is lifted.

The cabinet has decided to finally place Shalit’s release atop of its list of demands, placing all else aside until Hamas realizes the Gaza embargo will continue until the soldier is set free. Humanitarian aid to address the basic needs of Gazans will continue the cabinet decided, but nothing more. It also stated that until Egypt and others adhere to the parameters set for the opening of the Rafiach Crossing in 2005, it too will remain closed.

The cabinet did not discuss Hamas’ prisoner release list or other issues, stating that for once and for all, Hamas must realize the release of Shalit is the key to opening Gaza and permitting the restoration of Gaza as it was prior to Operation Cast Lead.

Prior to the meeting, Olmert summoned Defense Minister Ehud Barak and senior Defense Ministry official Amos Gilad, who has been Israel’s representative in talks with Egypt regarding a ceasefire and Gilad Shalit. The prime minister lashed into Amos Gilad, severely reprimanding him for going behind his back and leaking his disapproval to the daily Ma’ariv.

Olmert called the senior official’s actions “detestable and despicable,” stating there is no justification for a senior representative of the cabinet to act in such a fashion. “You know the unconditional backing I have given you regarding Shalit and other issues, and your behavior is way out of line” added Olmert.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Politics again, this announcement surely mades the Kadima party all of a sudden look tough and nationalistic, they need bolstering and help in setting up a new government. After years of rockets on Sederot and no movement, concern, or action from the government, now its KADIMA-‘forge ahead’ and no border openings without Shalit.
    Everyone wants to see Shalit alive and returned, but the question is at what cost?

  2. cityofgold – what do you mean “at what cost?” we’ve paid so much already. It’s time for us to receive something. what have we ever received from them?

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