Urgent Assembly to Addressing Growing Water Crisis in Israel

Leaders of Israel’s water industry and experts will be convening in Israel on Sunday as officials are becoming increasingly alarmed over the drought in Israel. Dozens of water experts will be convening in Beit Gavriel near the Kinneret on Sunday, pondering just how the water issue has reached its current realities, with some stating the nation is already facing an existential threat, while the government has done next to nothing.

The experts will discuss the international water situation, with an emphasis on Israel’s water shortage, Israel’s water policies, and ways to address the current harsh realities.

Prof. Chanoch Lavi states that one of the issues to be discussed is the nation’s priorities, the government’s failure to adequately budget funds to address water-related issues, explaining that even in a year with adequate rainfall, the Kinneret can barely be considered an adequate source of water in a nation with a constantly growing population.

He explains the water issue has been pushed aside for too long, and coupled with drought winters; the water issue is now at a critical stage.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. “the water is not at a CRITICAL stage” = it is recognizable to all that Hashem will need to intervene in order to take care of the problem. Hashem is making it clear to us ALL that HE is indeed running the show….HE will in fact change the course of history, hopefully very very soon. I hope that we are all waiting to see it. It’s going to be stupendous!

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