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Motzei Shabbos News Roundup from Eretz Yisrael

yw_israel1.jpgThe IAF on Shabbos struck terrorist targets in Hamas-controlled Gaza.

**Terrorists on Shabbos fired at Israel Navy vessels patrolling off the Gaza coast.

**A bomb was detonated against an IDF patrol near Alumim on motzei Shabbos. Baruch Hashem, no injuries were reported.

**A homeless man was extricated from a burning abandoned building on Jerusalem’s Koresh Street, reportedly in serious condition.

**Following Labor’s crushing defeat in the general election, MK Amir Peretz, a former party leader, announced he plans to run for the party leadership.

**A senior Hamas spokesman in Gaza announced on Saturday that Israel is the cause of delay in signing a ceasefire agreement.

**PM Olmert reiterates the Gaza crossings will not be opened ahead of Gilad Shalits’ release. Officials in the Prime Minister’s Office denied reports that Israel is about to sign a deal, stressing no deal will be signed prior to the release of the captive soldier.

**The youths from the Shomron community of Ariel were killed in a vehicular accident involving an Arab taxi near Yishuv Shilo.

**Egyptian authorities report finding a ton of explosives in plastic near the Israeli border. Unspecified weapons were found as well.

**6 of 18 Fatah Tanzim terrorists imprisoned in Jericho were apprehended on Saturday according to reports from PA (Palestinian Authority) officials.

**16 people sustained light smoke inhalation in a fire in lobby in an 8-story Lod building.

**Remnants of a Grad Katyusha rocket were found on Shabbos morning in Gan Yavne. Authorities indicate the rocket was fired on Friday.

**Officials in the London Jewish community report an increase in anti-Semitic attacks since the Gaza War.

**Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told the media that he is “sad” over the outcome of the elections in Israel, referring to the right-wing majority in Knesset.

**Hamas and Fatah are expected to enter into talks towards a prisoner exchange.

**Tens of thousands took part in a memorial rally in Lebanon for the country’s late president, Rafiq Hariri, who was assassinated four years ago, calling to bring those responsible for his murder to justice.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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