French Prosecutor Calling for Jail Time for Gaydamak

gaydamak.jpgThere have been some new developments in the case being labeled Angola-Gate, in which the defendant, Arkadi Gaydamak is alleged to have engaged in illegal weapons sales. The French prosecutor is seeking a five-year prison sentence and a 5 million euro fine.

The verdict is expected on March 4th. One of the questions remains that if he will be extradited by the Russians, and if so, will he opt to return to Israel, where he also enjoys citizenship. The charge sheet leveled against him includes illegal weapons dealings with Angola, bribing officials, tax evasion and fraud. The trial has been taking place in France for four months, but the chief defendant has not been present.

The indictment contains 468 pages, linking Gaydamak’s partner Pierre Falcon to the case as well. Also involved in the case is a son of a former French president, who assisted in making the connection with Angola.

Gaydamak’s attorney explains his client has heart problems, preventing him from being at the trial, also challenging the jurisdiction since the deals were not conducted on French soil.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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