The Leftists are Already Up in Arms

pn.jpgIt didn’t take too long after the election for the left-wing champions of democracy to decry the outcome and lament the fact that the nationalistic right-wing camp holds a firm majority in Knesset. The secularists who worship democracy are somewhat challenged, unable to bring themselves to accept the outcome of democratic elections if the winner is either right-wing, religious, or Heaven forbid, a combination of both.

Making things worse for them is the news that right-wing activists, followers of the late Rav Meir Kahane HY”D will be in Knesset, perhaps daily, Chevron residents Itamar Ben-Gavir and Baruch Marzel. Ben-Gavir will also be drawing a Knesset salary. He will be the parliamentary aide to newly-elected Ichud HaLeumi MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari and Marzel a special political advisor. Ben-Ari, a university lecturer and Shomer Shabbos yid, is a staunch follower of the late Rav.

Ben-Ari has already announced he will be a staunch opponent of Yisrael Beitenu leader Avigdor Lieberman, who is seeking to threaten the future of the Jewish People with his civil marriage bill. He also hopes to address the system’s chronic turning a blind eye to widespread illegal construction in the Arab sector, as well as the lack of enforcement of Internal Revenue Service laws in the Israeli Arab sector.

“It is unconscionable that in the Arab sector, they receive Bituach Leumi payments at 140. We will work to bring an end to this practice”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Yes, in democracies if you lose an election you become the opposition and you get to whine until the next election. Would really prefer a system where after they decide who the “winner” is, they shoot the losers (Labor party did consider such a system in the 1950s, and look in a mirror to see who would have been shot).

    P.S. Remember that “cracking” down on the Arabs means cracking down on Hareidim, many of whom work “off the books”, including many rabbanim who are paid to teach and should therefore be taxes and drafted, but are officially listed as students (or are illegal aliens, lacking work visas while accepting gainful employment).

  2. Mr nfgo2: I dont know which publications you read but EVERY newspaper in Israel (from Ha’aretz to Ha’mevasser and from Yediot to Yated etc.) have clearly agreed and accepted that Bibi will be the next PM and that the nationalitic right-wing camp have a solid majority of 65 seats. (Likud 27 + Yisroel Beteinu 15 + Shass 11 + Yahadut HaTorah 5 + Ichud Leumi 4 + Habayit Hayehudi 3 = 65. It is indeed strange and unusual that the largest party, Kadima, will not manage to form a coalition but that is a fact (even if Lieberman joins her). The question that Kadima leaders are dealing with now is whether to join Netanyahu as No.2 or to go to the opposition. All their public talk of forming coalitions is just to scare Bibi to offer them more. In reality it is a toy gun as every child who can add can see.

    YWN is reporting the same as every one else in Israel and the obvious truth to anyone with a head on his shoulders.

  3. TO #2

    Obviously you are not in Israel and getting fragmented/biased info from your pathetic liberal media sources.
    Now these are the facts that even Israel’s rabidly leftist media were forced to concede and to their credit have done so with far greater candor than you have ever since the results were announced (including on all the major stations tonight).
    Every last one of them stated that there is almost no chance of Livni forming a goverment with her measly 28 seats which when combined with all the leftist parties reach agrand total of 44 SEATS ONLY. OK so you’re a nice bleeding hearted liberal and you wanna include our friendly Arab traitors too. Great! Now you’re up to 55!!! WOW!!! Nice job!!!
    So who’s the one who won’t be swayed by the facts??

    Thank you YWN for giving us balanced and fair reporting w/o all the liberal spins and biases.

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