Ichud HaLeumi Negotiators to Meet Netanyahu on Thursday Morning

Ichud HaLeumi leader Yaakov Katz on Thursday morning will be meeting with Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu. Ketzaleh told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) that he and Mr. Netanyahu are friends for a long time and he, Ketzaleh, worked to support him in his last premiership bid.

When asked what his demands will be in the meeting, Ketzaleh was not specific, but stated he represents a large base of voters and he will do his most towards advancing the interests of this community. A main point he states is working towards the prevention of a Palestinian state, and added, “he will not use us as a fig leaf and then turn back to Livni and cut a deal with her”.

Mr. Katz added he will not recommend the presidential mandate be given to Netanyahu unless he is certain that the government that is forming is not one that will make more land concessions to our neighbors. He added there are 650,000 Jews living in areas “liberated in the June 1967 Six Day War” and he hopes to be an honest agent to advance their interests and beliefs.

When asked what Ichud HaLeumi will do towards “advancing the peace”, he jokingly asked if the question is intended to assist making peace among the Jews.

When asked about party member Dr. Ari Ben-Ari, a staunch follower of the late Rav Meir Kahane HY”D, he was firm in his defense of Rav Kahane, stating he was a man “who loved Jews and Eretz Yisrael and gave his life on their behalf”.

Despite repeated efforts by the radio host to cast a shadow on Ben-Ari, who follows the “radical teachings” of Kahane, Ketzaleh remained firm in his support of the new MK, who is a university lecturers and “Ish Eretz Yisrael”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. I particularly cheered when I read Mr.Katz comment to the question of “advancing the peace”. Mr. Katz asked if this question was intended to assist making peace among the Jews.
    Israel is G-ds Land and was given to the Jewish people. The Bible tells us G-d is adamantly against the division of the Land for any purpose.
    G-d will come against those who try to divide it and compromise His Covenant with the Jewish people.
    If the Jewish people can not unite under Torah, we have a divided Land.
    A house divided against itself can not stand.
    G-d forgive us.

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