Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu is hoping the strength of the IDF soldiers will manifest itself in a different vein than in Operation Cast Lead, reflecting enough support for his party to bring him into the lead in the general election, thereby removing any doubt from President Shimon Peres as to which party should be given the mandate to form a government.
The votes from the army may also result in some parties losing votes, leaving the matter of some six seats up in the air until the final results are announced, perhaps by Thursday night.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
3 Responses
Horrible headline. You meant to say: “Soldiers’ votes may make a difference”.
The “Army makes a difference” in countries like Syria (and much of Africa and South America),
or virtually any country in which the generals routinely “elect” themselves.
In Israel, it is the “Soldiers” who make a difference, by voting.
That’s also important since the military leadership in Israel is disproportinately Ashkenazi and secular relative to the country as a whole, and relative to the soldiers (whose secret ballots are what make the difference).
My thanks to YWN for fine, prompt reporting 99% of the time, but in this case, it seems there might be room for a different wording.
Isn’t this headline a bit dangerous? As ma’aminim, bnei ma’aminim, we all know that no person or collection of persons is “mighty”. It’s the Ribbono shel Olam Who is the source of all might.
The decisions are made and effected by the ALL-m-ghty, not the “mighty” . Better we should acknowledge Who’s at the steering wheel of our own accord rather than chas vechalilah needs to have it demonstrated to us against our will.
besoros tovos!
#2 thanks for saying exactly what i intended to.
shmekt koichi v’oitsem yadi…