Everyone is Meeting – No One is Committing

bibin1.jpgTo sum up the current political situation in one word, one would best describe it as “meetings”, ongoing and non-stop meetings towards negotiating the best possible deal and to secure a respectable place in the 18th Knesset.
Negotiations are ongoing between the two leading parties, Kadima and Likud, meeting with the negotiators of the other parties are they desperately seek to close a deal ahead of meeting with President Shimon Peres next week.
Both Netanyahu and Livni have met with most of their potential coalition partners, but the experts predict that Livni does not have a real chance of assembling a coalition.
Even Chaim Oron, who leads the left-wing secular Meretz Party, announced “with a heavy heart” that it is obvious the next prime minister will undoubtedly be Binyamin Netanyahu. He added that his party will not join a Kadima coalition that includes Yisrael Beitenu and he is preparing to take up his position in opposition. 

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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