Gafne Starts the Divisiveness

gafni.jpgNot wasting too much time, Yahadut HaTorah’s Rav Moshe Gafne has already announced he is negotiating with Kadima regarding a possible coalition agreement, Kol Chai Radio reports on Thursday morning.
According to the report, the Degel HaTorah leader has already announced that the chareidi parties are not necessarily compelled to follow one-another, stating Yahadut HaTorah is not bound to move in the same direction as Shas. 
Gafne is quoted as saying that at present, nothing has been finalized and it is indeed possible that he will sign a deal with Kadima.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. # 2 – surely not . I am convinced that Yahadut hatorah have the best interests of Klal Yisrael at heart and will not sell themselves to the highest bidder.

  2. The hareidi parties LOST the Israeli elections, by a vote of 115-5 (95-5 if you don’t count Arab votes). In the US, they would have rated as “asterick” as an also-ran party. They therefore have to work with the winner, whomever that is.
    If “gimel” voters wanted Likud, they could have voted for Likud. Note that Hareidi politicians have attempted to work with whomever runs the country (the Turks, the Brits, the Socialists, etc.). That’s how we do things. WHen Meshiach comes, they’ll have to work with us, but until then…

  3. to #1 – I am one of the people who voted Gimmel, even though logic might have told me to vote NU or Likud – BECAUSE THE GEDOLIM SAID SO. What we voted for is Daas Torah, which every frum Yid should be chayav to do (though Shas is Daas Torah for some, each should follow their own gedolim). Anyone who voted for other parties based on their Daas Torah also did the right thing. While I am not thrilled with this news, Gafne said he will go with all info to the Gedolim before taking any further steps, and therefore anything Gimmel does will be DAAS TORAH, so regardless of how we “feel”, we are doing the right thing. Torah dictates our lives, and that’s what is important.

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