IDF Chief Davens at the Kosel for Shalit’s Release

ashkenazi.jpgIDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi on Sunday appeared at the Kosel, where he davened and recited tehillim to thank HaKadosh Baruch Hu for the miracles of the Gaza War and for the speedy release of Gilad Shalit.

Following the tefillos, a seuda was held to mark the occasion, to express gratitude to Hashem for the miracles that were apparent to all. At the SEudah, “Nishmas”, along with various chapters from “Hallel” were recited. Taking part in the event was Kosel Rav Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz Shlita, who told a story of soldiers from Charuv upon their return from the Gaza fighting, explaining their first stop, before going home, was the Kosel, to express their thanks to Hashem.

Ashkenazi stated his presence was a shaliach for the entire IDF, to thank Hashem for the marvelous success in the operation.

It is interesting to note, that just as the war started, Ashkenazi sent Rabbi Rabi Rabinowitz to Maran Rav Elyashiv & Rav Shteinman to ask them to Daven on behalf of himself and the entire IDF. [This was reported HERE on YWN.]

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. Just goes to show how our irreligious jewish brothers are a heartbeat away from being true G-d fearing people. Lets not forget how low we were that we had to be rushed out of Mitzrayim before it was too late and a mere 40 days later we stood at Har Sinai….

  2. This proves the point that frum doesn’t mean “Lakewood” as long as you believe and love hashem you could be miles ahead of someone who looks frum but doesnt have it inside internalized ie.just going through the motions.many people get depressed because they think they have to strive to the perception of frum and others are depressed because they do have the “frum” look but they have nothing inside and they wonder why. this story is a wonderful chizuk to people struggling with this this idf commander is frummer that alot of frum looking people because hes close to hashem and thats all thats expected of us. chvshlm i dont mean to bash lakewood just trying to make a point

  3. #1, I was taught that it is not good to take someone elses cheshban. The jury is out on everyone and the rewards and penalties are held in a secret envelope not fully known to anyone.

  4. IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi made a tremendous Kiddush Hashem by what he did! It’s an amazing show of Kvod Shomayim!
    Me Keamcha Yisroel? Look at the difference between General Ashkenazi & Captain Chesley Sullenberger. The General acknowledged Hashem’s guiding hand & miracles where as the Captain chose to ignore them R”L!

  5. This is a great Kidush Hashem, he deserves a great yesher koach for being bold and act they way he did in the face of a government that many have denied the miracles that happened in Gaza.
    and a double Yesher Koach to those in lakewood or anywhere else in the world that bizchut their torah the was was won.
    another yesher koach will go to “eric55” if he sits and learns a bit about what it means to believe or love hashem.

  6. #3 why take a kiddush Hashem and use it to spew forth your hatred toward a fellow jew. There are MANY wonderful jews in this world…Mi K’amcha Yisrael

  7. #3
    There was some truth in what you said, and no one would disagree with your basic message; but be aware that ‘Cardiac Judaism’ is pretty useless too. That’s not my opinion – its God’s. (The tone of your comment didn’t seem to give over that impression.)

  8. #1 – you’re right on!
    #6 – I actually agree with you this time.
    When Moshiach comes all will see b’galui the hisgalus Haschina. We’re almost there!

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