Chinuch Atzmai’s Mesilla School Fighting to Survive

classroom1.jpgChinuch Atzmai’s Mesilla School in Ashkelon is fighting to survive, having difficulties registering students for the 5770 school year. According to a HaMevaser report, this is due to the rocket attacks in the city, explaining the school is a one-story non-fortified building.

Ashkelon City Councilman Rav Nissim Chalfon has turned to Mayor Benny Vaknin to implement an urgent plan to fortify the building towards eliminating the fear among the girls attending the school. Rav Chalfon explained that even parents of students attending the school today have registered their girls elsewhere next year, opting for schools in fortified buildings.

Residents of the city hold Rav Chalfon and his colleague Rav Yehoshua Buchnik in high regarding, resulting in Yahadut HaTorah earning two seats in the recent election alongside Shas and Mafdal and Achdus Yisrael. It is pointed out that the Ashkenazi chareidi community in the city is small but nevertheless, Yahadut HaTorah received two mandates, a sign of appreciation from residents who aren’t necessarily affiliated with the chareidi community.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Sederot, Ashdod, Beer Sheva and non of the kibbutzim within range of Gaza have fortified classrooms yet. Money is scarce and many are learning in unfortified bldgs or bunkers.

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