IDF Informs Gaza Physician his Home Was Hit by Mistake

iaf.jpgIDF officials on Wednesday presented Gaza physician Izzeldin Abuelaish with its findings following the investigation into tank fire at his home that led to the death of three of his children and leaving other family members injured.

IDF officials reported a tank fired two shells in the direction of his home, responding to fire originating in the area, adding there was someone on an upper floor of the home directing the gunfire of nearby terrorists. The report was approved by IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi and presented to the physician by a senior officer, who expressed his sorrow for the “tragic incident”.

IDF officials added no action will be taken against the tank crew, explaining that while the result were tragic, they did nothing wrong and such incidents occur during a wartime situation.

Abuelaish called the report a “success for justice, and thanked everyone who played a role in bringing the truth to light.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

15 Responses

  1. Regarding your comments nfgo2, How about the yidden in Eretz Yisroel that got Killed by Hamass Rockets? What, if anything is owed to them?

  2. your headline is MISLEADING — it was NOT a mistake — the mistake was that the dr and his family were asked to leave, and they declined to leave.

    the house was used by hamas in their attacks, there was a “spotter” on the roof directing fire against tzahal and the dr and his family should have either evicted the “spotter” (prob a euphemism for shooter, definitely a terrorist) or left for safer location.

    the tzahal report specifically cites phone calls to the dr and leaflets to the neighborhood, all requesting residents to leave the particular area.

    please correct your headline. the story is pretty accurate, but short on details.

  3. I think I have an answer to political, #5.

    For one, it is the yidden in Eretz Yisrael’s land, and Palistinians are trying to take it away. so the aggressors (Hamas) of course owe to the people whose land they are trying to steal (the Jews in Eretz Yisrael). But do the people who are being attacked actually show sadness when the agressor is being thrown out, aka saying that they owe the aggressor because of the aggressor’s “civilian casualties”?

    Thanks, Some guy

  4. “IDF officials reported a tank fired two shells in the direction of his home, responding to fire originating in the area, adding there was someone on an upper floor of the home directing the gunfire of nearby terrorists.”


  5. War is like that. If we want to be like the goyim and go around fighting wars, resign yourselves to frequently killing innocent people. All the goyim do it. It’s called “collateral damage” meaning it was NOT my intention to kill you, so sorry.

    By halacha, killing enemy civilians can only occur if a Sanhedrin declares an Ir Nidahat, so unless you hold that Livni, Barak, etc., have the din of a Sanhedrin, it can’t be done now a days. But then again, the whole idea of zionism is to escape from all those halachic restrictions which impaired having a state like all the states of the world.

  6. whether the arab world apologizes or not!! The difference is that we are not goyim.. bottom line we have a heart and we care- we are am Israel and thats that..Thats what makes Klal Israel unique and e/1 be jealus of us-we apologize!

  7. Hey Guys, when will you wake up!

    The world’s bias against Israel, not only speaks, but “screams” volumes!

    The world conducts war, as war should be conducted. Example 1- Russia in Georgia. Example 2, the USA in Vietnam.

    The Israelis conduct war like fools, trying to gain the approval of the non-Jewish world, and thereby put at risk Israeli lives. And in the end, the world still calls the Israelis murderers, no matter what.

    Back in 1967, Israel buried many of its fine young men because they didn’t use heavy armaments, lest a Mosque will be damaged.
    Did the world appreciated then? You answer this question.

    When 10,000 Jews were gassed each day in Auschwitz, did any one complain? No one heard nor saw.

    A war is not wedding gathering, with kisses, cookies and smiles. If you don’t want to kill, then don’t go to war, just give it all away, and the enemy will then show you what it is capable of, G-D forbid.

    If the demented Gazaians would stop firing rockets at Israel cities, who would bother them for one minute?

  8. This doesn’t sound like a mistake to me. There were people seen at the window who appeared to be directing the Hamas fire. How do we know the girls who were killed weren’t those people? What would an innocent person be doing, looking out of a window during a firefight? An innocent person, assuming they couldn’t have evacuated the building in the first place, would be on the ground floor, hiding under a table or a bed, not upstairs at a window.

  9. Reply to #11: I am quoting Masechta Sofrim 15:10 here. Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai says: In the time of war even the best of goyim (on opposing side) should be killed. The best of snakes, smash its brain. Interpretation: Rabbi Shimom bar Yochai here is comparing the best of the goyim at a time of war just like the best of the snakes. As we all know, it is in all snakes’ natural behavior to be aggressive to humans, and so, when Jews fight goyim, it is in ALL goyims’ behavior to fight the Jews, even the best of them.

  10. #15 – Do we hear of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai or his talmidim attacking Roman women and children??

    If a Rav says an Eruv kosher, do you look to see if he carries within it? If a Rav says a hecksher is acceptable, do you look to see what he serves in his house? If a Rav says serving in the army is kosher, do we look to see what unit he (or his children) are in?

  11. #16 akuperma that would be a complete endangerment of life for Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and his talmidim to attack Roman women or children, for one the Romans were extremely brutal and so in those days getting through enemy ranks on foot was very difficult (now with airplanes it isn’t so difficult) but of course, the Roman women and children wanted Rome to conquer Israel, so they were basically on the side of the Romans who were fighting against Jews. So if Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and his talmidim would attack roman women and children who were in their land i.e. Eretz Yisroel it would be COMPLETELY justified. The Fakestinians are conquering Israel, every single one in Gaza and in ALL Eretz Yisroel, just like the Romans, only with far less military capabilities (Also the IDF is rather strong as well, rather stronger than the Jewish military was in Roman times)

  12. #13 A very well written and sad but true commentary, Thank you! The world will hate us no matter what we do. War is hell…but when forced to fight you fight to win, not to please world opinion. The survival of Israel, the survival of the Jewish people is all that should matter. No need to appologize!!!

  13. It is the hallmark of Yehuda to apologize when anyone is hurt because of them.

    intentionally, or unintentionally.

    Hashem OZ L’amo Yiten, HaShem yivarech es amo BASHALOM.

    have a peaceful Shabbos brothers!

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