Peres: Get Out and Vote

Addressing the Herzliya Conference, President Shimon Peres stated the coming year will be accompanied by a number of critical decisions, including decisions pertaining to extricating ourselves from these difficult times, hopefully emerging stronger and increasingly vibrant. “The first decision however is a political one” calling on eligible voters to get out and vote on Tuesday February 10th, Election Day.
“Voting strengthens democracy and the hands of the decision-makers” the president added.
Peres also addressed other realities, stating we should assume Hamas will continue “trying its luck and Fatah will continue on its way.” The incoming government he feels will not have much time to make certain decisions, including the possibility of continued warfare with Hamas and resuming talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority). Peres acknowledged the contradiction, which he explained is the current reality.
“The Arab world is interested in regional peace and stability, partly due to the Iranian threat. However, the Arab community may revert to portray Israel as an occupier and a killer of innocent Palestinians and the power which controls Gaza. Peace with the Palestinians will have an immediate heavy price but in the future, the price may be extremely heavy”.
Peres addressed the message of Avigdor Lieberman and his Yisrael Beitenu Party, urging the nation “not to permit national differences to become a national dispute. We must establish good relations void of discrimination as is fitting in a democracy”.
“It is also very difficult for me to come to terms with some of the statements in Knesset from Arab MKs and those opposed to them,” in his clear reference to Lieberman. “I am proud of Israel’s Knesset which includes the Arab minority, permitting them to express their viewpoints – of course within the framework of a democracy, without lending a hand to incitement to violence”.
The president also stressed the need to improve the economic standing of the Israeli Arab community, adding the focus must be on advancing them technologically more than giving land. He supports the establishment of economic parks in Arab areas towards achieving this goal.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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