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Central Election Committee Disqualifies Rav Ovadia’s Bracha

The Central Election Committee has disqualified a portion of the Shas Party’s election commercial, compelling Shas to remove the portion in which Maran Rav Ovadia Yosef Shlita gives a bracha to those voting Shas, promising good health and success for the family and children.
As was the case in the previous election, election committee officials explained it is forbidden to promise anything in return for voting, therefore the decision to disqualify the ad.
Minister of Religious Affairs Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen was critical of the decision, calling it ridiculous, rhetorically asking if the next move will be to prohibit Kohanim from giving brachos to Am Yisrael.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. In a democratic (small “d”) country, there is “Freedom of Speech.” Israel is a middle eastern country, lacking basic civil rights. Furthermore, the national ideology, zionism, is totally incompatible with Torah. R. Yosef is lucky he hasn’t been thrown in jail, or perhaps fallen out of window, or any of the other delightful things that fascists do to the opposition.

  2. This secular election committee is too dumb to realize how they make fools of themselves! They DON’T believe in the gedolim, they DON’T believe in their Brachos, yet at the same time they ban an ad because Rav Ovadia is giving “something” i.e. a bracha, to those who vote for Shas! They have to make up their minds, – either a gadol’s bracha has value or it doesn’t. What fools!

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