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Barak Calling for PA Tunnel

In yet another Barak master plan, the Labor Party leader on Monday called for constructing a 48km (29-mile) tunnel to connect Hamas-controlled Gaza with areas of Yehuda and Shomron.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday appeared at Ben-Gurion University as he continues campaigning with the election a week away. Barak, who estimates the project will carry a $2-3 million price tag, calls it “reasonable,” basing his latest ‘peace-making’ idea on the success of previous agreements between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority). Barak explains that sovereignty over the tunnel network would remain in Israeli hands but the actual operational authority of the tunnel would be the PA’s.
Barak used the forum to lash out at political adversaries, including Kadima leader Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, and Kadima Minister Chaim Ramon, who defected from Labor to join the ranks of Kadima.

Barak spoke of his (Ramon’s) embarrassing actions and court conviction. He also mentioned the Likud leader, Binyamin Netanyahu, as well as Livni, for their “inactions” regarding rocket-fire from Gaza.
Barak stated the IDF will do whatever necessary to halt attacks, reassuring his audience that he is the right man for the job.
One response to the plan came from Ichud Leumi MK Uri Ariel, who stated the path from this tunnel to Azrieli Tower is a short one. It appears Barak is still not clear the people are sick of concessions.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. $2 – 3 MILLION?? I think he’s off by at least 3 zeros.

    If I was Hamas, I’d:

    (1) Immediately start making plans for an 18-wheeler full of c-4 (or a nuke), to drive into the tunnel and detonate at the right place.

    (2) Put in a tender for the tunnel digging contract.

    I wonder what Ehud’s been smoking lately…

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