Meet Israel’s Illegal Chinese Physician/Construction Worker

mishtara3.jpgPolice admit they do not yet understand how an illegal Chinese national who was working in the Tel Hashomer Hospital construction site for two years managed to get an identification card of a physician from Ichilov Hospital. Adding to his fortune, the photo of the physician is strikingly similar to his facial appearance, permitting him to use the card to save himself on a number of occasions during the past two years.
Police a number of weeks ago received information that the contractor on the hospital building site was employing illegal Chinese nationals. Immigration police were notified and the investigation was launched. Five Chinese nationals were recently arrested, in the country for a number of weeks up to two years. They crossed into Israel from Egypt. The ‘doctor’ entered as a tourist but forgot to leave and he has been gainfully employed.
A check with Ichilov Hospital security officials confirms the true former owner of the identity card was a physician who has long since ceased working at the medical facility. Once again, police are now trying to ascertain how the illegal Chinese national got hold of the ID.
Police explain construction firms often seek illegal workers, thereby bypassing the fees for legal agencies that bring foreigners to work in a specific industry, in this case, construction. Police manage to apprehend between 300-400 illegals a month, admitting they wish they could do much more. At the end of the day, employers realize the violation is not criminal but administrative and the punishment is a fine, nothing more serious.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. At least he is not working as a doctor. THAT would be scary,to have a fellow use a doctor’s ID card and pretend he was a real doctor.There is a great need for stronger security in democratic countries and better enforcement of immigration laws.

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