6 Injured in Sunday’s Rocket Attacks

For many southern residents, the only ray of hope for a better tomorrow was short lived, during Operation Cast Lead. While the rocket attacks continued they knew the IDF was getting the job done and they prayed that tomorrow would bring a return to life as they knew it over eight years ago, before Gaza became the launching pad for rockets aimed at southern Israel.

During Sunday’s attacks, 15 rockets and mortar shells struck southern areas, leaving six injured lightly. Three sustained light injures from a mortar shell landing in Sderot and the others in an attack in the Shar HaNegev Regional Council towards evening.

Once again, b’chasdei Hashem, rockets missed its intended targets. More than one rocket landed in-between two kindergarten buildings as the young children were heading to their respective buildings for another day of activities.

One mother gives her eyewitness testimony. “I was on the way with my daughter to the kindergarten building when she asked me ‘ima, what were those explosions were heard before?’ Before I had a chance to respond, I heard a large explosion – I turned my head and saw the rocket land, literally between the two buildings. I immediately grabbed my daughter, hugged her tightly and ran inside the building. It was really scary”.

“We never believed that quiet would return to the area” Rachel Dinenu explained sadly. The mother of three leaves in a southern area moshav. We are worried and tired. For over eight years, the rockets are our daily fears. When the government declared a ceasefire after Operation Cast Lead we knew nothing would come of it. That is why all the parents and children in the area are not relaxed but continue to worry day in and day out since we know, at the end, nothing has changed”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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