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Ketzaleh: Bet El Institutions Paid Olmert’s Fare Too

olf.jpgNational Union Party Chairman Yaakov Katz (Ketzaleh) reports that Bet El Yeshivos were among the institutions which paid tens of thousands of dollars to Ehud Olmert towards his flights abroad, to make appearances outside of Israel.
The statement links to the ongoing so-called Olmert Tours investigation, in which police reportedly document the prime minister accepted double and triple payments from people and organizations, profiting handsomely on his official trips abroad.
In some cases according to police, the funds were used to pay the way for his wife and children. Police months ago, relatively early into the investigation, estimated Olmert netted well over $100,000 in the multiple billing scam.
According to journalist Yoav Yitzchak, in an exclusive report by his NFC agency, in his capacity as head of the Bet El Yeshiva, Katz confirms that they paid tens of thousands of dollars for Olmert to fly with his wife Aliza on numerous occasions.
According to Yitzchak, in an interview with Katz on January 29th, he stated that Olmert was a guest of honor at Bet El dinners three times, and as a result, the yeshiva was required to pay each time in addition to picking up the tab for Olmert’s Regency Hotel bill, including his entire party.
Katz is quoted as also stating he was quite confident that others were paying simultaneously since he also appeared elsewhere, but since he could not prove it, he never stepped forward. He further adds that police investigators never questioned him, signaling that they must have ample proof from others who were compelled to pay as well.
Ketzaleh explains “I just wanted everything to be good for him” when he expounded on the cost of the trips involving Olmert. He paid for flights for the couple, Ehud and Aliza, as well as his personal aide. “They would not settle for business class but demanded first class in addition to picking up the expenses of the week-stay in the five-star hotel.
Katz reminds Yitzchak that at that time, Olmert was the mayor of Jerusalem and still views as a right-wing hawk and his presence was a guarantee for a successful fundraising event.
Other guests included former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Binyamin Netanyahu he adds. “To his credit, Bibi always arranged his own expenses. We did not have to pay his airfare but with Olmert, we had to pay Rishon Tours for his travels” Katz detailed.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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