Dr. Kadmon Admonishes Police Regarding Federman Children

Dr. Yitzchak Kadmon, the head of Israel’s Child Welfare Council, sent a harsh letter to Israel police condemning their actions, holding onto the possessions of the Federman family of Chevron, particularly the possessions of the children, since October 2008.

Dr. Kadmon questioned the motives of police, explaining the children are innocent and holding onto their computer, clothing, toys and other personal possessions serves no purpose other than punishing children who have been made homeless as a result of the actions of the government.

The government destroyed the Federman Farm, without advanced notice, leaving them homeless and without possessions, claiming their home was illegal but not permitting them an opportunity to appeal the decision to raze the structure. The action of police seems to have been prompted by Federman’s connection to the ideology of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane z”l and his Kach Party.

Kadmon stated police have no justification for their holding onto the family possessions and as a representative of the children, he feels compelled to pressure authorities to return the belongings to them.

In addition, the courts during recent months have rejected requests to ban Federman from Yehuda, Shomron and the Chevron area, and a number of justices slammed police and the prosecution for trampling the rights of the Federman family, acting extremely harshly without justification.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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