Hamas’ Top Leader Rejects Israeli Conditions for Truce

mashal.jpgDamascus-based Hamas leader Khaled Meshal announced he is rejecting Israel’s terms for a long-term ceasefire agreement in Gaza, namely the release of IDF Sgt. Gilad Shalit. 
Meshal stated the terror organization absolutely refuses to link the release of Gilad Shalit to the opening of Gaza crossings, demanding Israel end the embargo as part of the ceasefire agreement, pushing the Shalit issue aside for a separate future prisoner exchange deal.
Meeting on Wednesday in Jerusalem with US Mideast envoy George Mitchell, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stated that the release of the captured soldier will permit the opening of Gaza crossings. The prime minister reiterated that the daily humanitarian aide into Gaza would continue, but until such time that Shalit is released, the embargo would continue. Hamas stated it will not link the soldier’s release to any ceasefire agreement.
The senior terrorist leader was visiting in Doha, Qatar when he announced his response. He was in Qatar to personally thank officials for their support during the Gaza War.
“In response to the child killer, Olmert,” stated Meshal, thousands of terrorists would have to be released to obtain Shalit’s freedom.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. So basically what this piece of garbage is saying is that one Jewish life is equal to thousands of terrorists. Sounds about right.

  2. So the ‘winners’ decide what the terms of the cease fire will be. Carpet bombing is the next step before the rockets continue in Ashdod, BerSheva and soon to Tel Aviv and surrounding areas!

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