Mr. Noam Shalit, Gilad Shalit’s father, was invited to Paris to meet with French President Nicolas Sarkozy today. Gilad Shalit is a French citizen and prior to their meeting Noam was not aware of what the president wanted to tell him.
During a recent visit to Syria, Sarkozy called on Syrian President al-Assad to assist in obtaining a sign of life, some indicator regarding the soldier’s condition. There was wide-spread speculation that now; Sarkozy had firs-hand information for the soldier’s father.
Shalit arrived in Paris on Monday and today, Tuesday, he first met with aides to the president and then, the president himself. Following their meeting, the Shalit told the media: “After speaking with Sarkozy, Noam Shalit told reporters on Tuesday evening at the steps of the Elys’e Palace, that the president assured him his son was alive, and that the French government was “using every means available” to free him.
For Sarkozy, “this is a personal, strong commitment,” said Shalit.
In the past, the French leader reiterated his commitment towards obtaining Shalit’s release from Hamas captivity.
Mr. Shalit told the Israeli media prior to his meeting that he has been on the line with France regularly, but an invitation from the president is not an everyday occurrence. He is also aware that President Sarkozy is in direct contact with Al-Assad, who maintains direct contact with Hamas leader Khaled Meshal.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
4 Responses
For him.we must daven.This is a real case of ‘pidyon sh’vuyim’>
tefilla and tehillim.
at least they care
It is a miracle that he is alive! Why can’t the world have that confirmation? At least the parents have some menucha knowing their son is presently alive.