Dozens of roshei yeshivas and yeshiva directors met on Monday night to discuss the critical situation for yeshivas as a result of the budget cuts to kollelim and yeshivos.
Rav Avraham Friedman, who stands at the head of the Igud Menahalei Yeshivot opened the kenos commenting on the petira of MK Rav Avraham Ravitz z”l, acknowledging his lifelong commitment to Am Yisrael, Toras Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.
Rav Friedman told the participants the hard facts, that the situation appears to be a most difficult one, perhaps unprecedented, explaining that NIS 65 million that has been infused into mosdos torah over the past four years through the end of December 2008 seems to a thing of the past. Providing some insight to the budgetary makeup, Friedman explained that if the NIS 780 million actually distributed, only 20% appears in the budgetary framework, with the remainder coming from the reserves, generally accompanied by stormy debates and the funds required approval of the Knesset Finance Committee.
Since the annual budget is not yet approved, in accordance with the law, a budget is being requested based on the 1/12th of NIS 180 million, which translates to NIS 100 per avreich. This amount Rav Friedman explained he refused to touch in an effort not to set a precedent, not to entertain an amount lower than the NIS 100 per avreich.
Rav Friedman explains that he brought the critical situation to the attention of Maran Rav Aryeh Leib Shteinman, who instructed him to convene the kenos in an effort of finding a solution “b’rov yo’etz”. Friedman added that his team does not permit a single day to pass without addressing the needs of mosdos torah with government officials, but the election campaign has complicated the situation.
Rav Shlomo Brilliant, the igud’s secretary, explained treasury officials seem to understand the problem, but funds are not forthcoming. Part of the problem is they fear if they allocate funds now; this will set a precedent which will be used in coalition talks following the general election in two weeks. Brilliant added that avreichim have also suffered an additional NIS 100 cut due to reductions in government subsidized income, seeking to paint a picture portraying the severity of the situation for many avreichim. He went on to report that on this past erev Shabbos, challos were distributed in Bnei Brak to the needy and there was a scuffle due to the large numbers seeking to find something to add to their Shabbos table.
Rav Shlomo Kustitz recommended the formation of a small body to travel to the homes of Gedolei Yisrael in an effort to enlist support and reach out to the masses to contribute with an open heart during this difficult time. Suggestions were also made to urge chareidi newspapers to continue reporting on the increasingly difficult situation, avreichim fighting for bread and milk, in the hope the continued publicity will open people’s hearts.
One participant in the kenos told his colleagues that one bachor in his yeshiva walks around gathering the scraps of bread which he takes home for the family.
Rav Tzvi Rot explained the posuk that Hashem wishes to hear the cries of the suffering and those in pain.
It was decided that a forum will travel from home-to-home to Gedolei Yisrael towards enlisting their support, to make them truly aware of the distressful situation.
Immediately following the kenos, a visit was made to Maran Rav Shteinman Shlita, who was visibly pained to hear just how difficult the situation is today, adding the “torah world is in sakona (danger).” The representatives of the vaad are scheduled to meet today, Tuesday, with the Gerre Rebbe Shlita.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
3 Responses
The problem is the massive crunch of the world economy, which is nothing we can do much about, other than to daven and tighten one’s belts. If one considers the history of the past century, we are actually quite good at this, and have survived much more distressful situations (even if we’ve gotten “spoiled” over the last generation).
This may prove to be very good for Torah learning in the United States, since many American bachorim won’t be able to afford to learn in Israel, and will stay in America, enhancing American yeshivos.
On the one hand they want my money, but until the Bais Yaakov Hatzafon lets children of American Kollel Yungeleit attend the same classes as Israelil little girls, they don’t have my full sympathy. What this school does is so hurtful that it has spoiled it for me.
what do you mean? they don’t do american girl classes but ramat eshkol kid’s class.
(my daughter is ther in school with a ramat eshkol clss which is mostly american.)