Ma’ariv and Yediot – 6 Mandates for Yahadut HaTorah

According to election polls appearing in the erev Shabbos editions of Yediot Achronot and Ma’ariv, Yahadut HaTorah may earn as many as six mandates in the 18th Knesset. If this actualizes, Belz candidate Rav Yisrael Eichler, the sixth on the list, will be in the next Knesset.
According to the Dahaf Institute Poll headed by Dr. Mina Tzemach, the big winner in the political arena following Operation Cast Lead is Avigdor Lieberman and his Yisrael Beitenu Party, showing 14-16 seats in the Knesset.
The poll shows Likud remains in the lead despite dropping to 29 seats, followed by Kadima with 25. Another big winner is the Labor Party, up to 19 seats following party leader Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s performance in the war.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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