Dahaf Institute: Voter Interest Continues to Wane

According to an election poll commissioned by Yediot Achronot carried out by Dahaf Institute/ Dr. Mina Tzemach, voter interest among Israelis remains low, continuing to fall. At present, only 65% of eligible voters’ state with certainty that they plan to vote in 16 days in the Feb. 10th general election for the 18th Knesset.
Based on a poll of 501 Israelis representing a cross-section of eligible voters, 17% feel they will get out and vote. Dahaf explains that past experience shows that only those stating with absolute certainty that they will vote actually do so on Election Day. The ‘problematic’ or apathetic community includes primarily women and young voters.
According to Dr. Tzemach, 74% of the young voters indicating they do not plan to vote also did not vote in 2006, indicating their disenchantment is not a one-time event. Only 15% of those who did not vote in the last election are now indicating they will vote in the upcoming general election.
The younger the voter the higher chance of not voting the poll states, pointing out that 14% of first-time voters do not plan to exercise their right to cast a ballot.
Of those not planning to vote, 64% are in the under 35 category while 32% of the same age bracket plan to vote. Of the non-voters, women comprise 68%, a statistic some find surprising in an age with an increase female representation in Knesset.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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