Family: Miracle in Tel Hashomer Hospital on Erev Shabbos

While much has happened in Am Yisrael’s history in the past weeks, for the family and friends of Aryeh Deutsch, the concerns of Operation Cast Lead did not for a moment deter their attention from concerns for Aryeh’s recovery.
To remind readers, on December 29, 2008, Arab terrorists targeted the community of Modi’in Illit (reported HERE on YWN), leaving Refael Aryeh ben Varda in a comatose state. The tefillos have been ongoing and on erev Shabbos Baruch Hashem, Aryeh opened his eyes and signaled an ability to recognize those around him.
While he is yet unable to speak, doctors are extremely encouraged by this major breakthrough. Aryeh did move his hands to gesture with those around his bed, and family members urge the tzibur to continue davening on his behalf in the hope his recovery will be total.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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