French Naval Patrols to Halt Hamas Smuggling

sarkozy3.jpgAccording to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, his country wishes to send a frigate to patrol the waters off of Gaza to prevent arms smuggling by Hamas. He is also calling on Egypt and Israel to approve positioning an aircraft carrier carrying helicopters as part of the long-term effort to prevent renewed arms smuggling into Gaza.

Sarkozy added that his nation is willing to play a major role in maintaining stability in the region, calling on Israel to open Gaza crossings and bring an immediate end to the blockade.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. This is very dangerous. Once France elects a Moslem Government (which they will in a few years), their Navy will be positioned to do Israel direct harm, Ch”V.

  2. NATO is not amused by Iran smuggling weapons. The problem is that Egypt is tolerating the shipping of the weapons, which are then smuggled.

    France is no longer a super-power, but they still one of the major powers, and their Navy is probably the fourth most powerful (after the USA, Russia and Britian). Just because they haven’t won a significant victory since they helped the US win the Revolution doesn’t mean they’re hopeless surrender monkeys. They have been playing a significant fight helping the US in Afghanistan and fighting naughty Muslims in sub-Saharan Africa.

    This doesn’t address the problem that terrorists don’t really need weapons smuggled.

  3. It is wonderful to see the French doing something for Israel other than attacking her in the U.N. The French are taking back the control of the high seas. It was the French who were the first ones to fight back the Somali pirates. Viva’ La France!

  4. #7 – no one is saying “trust the French”

    but don’t complain that their interests are sometimes coincident with those of Israel and/or the USA

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