Ezer Mizion’s Annual Bone Marrow Drive on Wednesday

Join Israel’s nationwide bone marrow donor recruitment drive on Wednesday January 21, at testing stations throughout the country.

If you are between 18 and 50, in good health, and have never joined any bone marrow registry, you are urged to take part in this lifesaving drive, Ezer Mizion officials explain.

The organization’s database contains hundreds of thousands of bone marrow samples, the largest in the world, and your participation takes only minutes, and only requires a small blood sample, nothing more.

This year’s campaign surrounds one child, Amit, 6, who is fighting cancer. Ezer Mizion calls on Israelis to please step forward and take this modest step towards saving her life. For additional information, one may phone toll-free 1-800-236-236.

If you are not in Israel you can still ensure the success of this drive!   Thousands of new potential stem cell donors are expected to join Ezer Mizion’s registry on January 21. The cost of laboratory testing is $45 for each blood sample. Please visit the website for online donations http://www.ezermizion.org/ or you may telephone or email;

Israel: 03-614-4573
USA: 718-853-8400
Canada: 1-877-544-3866
UK: 0208-458-9999

Email: [email protected]

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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