10:30AM IL: At Least 10 Rockets Fired (CEASEFIRE?!)

kassam1.jpgAt least ten rockets were fired earlier this morning at Sderot and the Eshkol region. A chicken coop and a cemetery were damaged. Baruch Hashem, no physical injuries are reported.

The IAF retaliated, reportedly striking a rocket launching cell.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. This whole dumb game of “tag” is starting to get under my skin….WE CAN NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERROSRISTS. Olmert mad/making a horrible decision, I can’t believe he’s still in office-hes a grade a traitor and an embarassment to society. I’m sick and tired its enough that he screwd up an entire operation in lebanon, as soon as we actually see some progress here (in gaza) boom he comes with the strike of a match and tries to make a “cease-fire” so to speak, sorry but the way I see it – it just gives these terrorists more time to galvanize thremselves to strike again, and send rockets into sderot etc… Its really heart wrenching and bothers me tremendously that we have a such a miserable amateur like olmert and oh not to mention mz rice a worthless annoyance who’s “saving the world—and restoring peace” WOW WHAT A HERO……WAKE UP-WHAT DOES IT TAKE??? HELLO!?!? CAN ANYBODY FEEL MY PAIN..I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPING THE ONLY (OTHER) THING I SEE IT TESHUVA, TEFILA U’TZEDAKA–MAVIRIN ES ROYAH HA’GZEIRAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. One word – duhh!

    Did someone really think the ceasefire would’ve lasted?

    P.S. Thank god they broke is before they had a chance to rearm!

  3. It sounds like the Maakos of this week’s parsha! Once the maako stopped, Paroh reneged on his commitment! History repeats itself anew!

  4. its not a ceasefire if rockets are continuing to fall on israeli soil! let israel stop ‘playing ceasefire’ and finish their job for once and for all.

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