7:50AM: IAF Helicopter Gunships Firing in Gaza

iaf c.jpgHelicopter gunships operating over Gaza are firing at this time. At about 7:30am, short bursts of automatic weapons fire were heard. Moments ago, IDF sources confirmed helicopter gunships were firing at terrorists in Gaza as the ‘ceasefire’, which began at 2:00am, and failed to reach the six-hour mark.

The army stresses it will not be withdrawing any forces, including the reservists. Open fire orders have changed somewhat, with soldiers permitted to return fire or strike out at anyone about to attack or fire rockets.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in his live address to the nation of motzei Shabbos stated any firing of rockets into Gaza will be met with a stern response. He and Defense Minister Ehud Barak announced there will be a zero-tolerance policy to any rocket-fire from Gaza.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. IDF- Good on you. Destroy all the terrorists, they are all rashas. Whose side are the Prime Minister and the Defense Minister on Hamas or Israel?

  2. Don’t be too quick to condemn Olmert. It could be that with all the bad publicity Israel has been getting he needed to prove to the world that Israel is not the bad guy. It could be that he knew that Hamas (being the wicked terrorist organization that they are) would not (and does not) agree to a ceasefire.

    In such case Israel would obviously have full rights to continue its assaults on Hamas and the world will have to try to explain why Hamas was not willing to honor the ceasefire, especially when the terms were in favor of Hamas.

    I don’t know if this was the true intentions, but it could be.

  3. To add to my previous comment:

    1) Israel would have kept to a ceasefire if Hamas would have honored it.

    2) I doubt with the tremendous antisemitism of the media and those that are pro-Palestinian that it’ll make an iota of difference. Sinas Chinam doesn’t need any logic.

  4. i agree, now that they tried to ceasefire and it didnt work, hopefully the other nations will begin to realize that Israel is FORCED to destroy Gaza.

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