10:50PM IL: Gov’t Approves Unilateral Ceasefire Agreement

ywbn112.gifAs was predicted, the Security Cabinet on motzei Shabbos voted to accept a unilateral ceasefire. Two ministers opposed the vote and one abstained.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert led the nationally-aired live media event, explaining the decision which is contrary to the will of the people.

The prime minister explained that exactly three weeks earlier, on a motzei Shabbos, he and his senior ministers explained the reasons behind the decision to launch Operation Cast Lead. “The [Hamas] leaders are hiding and their ability to manufacture and import rockets have been destroyed…Most of the launching sites are in IDF hands.”

The prime minister applauded the performance of the IDF, and the enthusiasm and willingness of reservists to respond to the call of the hour and respond, exhibiting a willingness to fight to bring an end to rocket attacks against southern civilian population centers.

…As a result of the IDF success, the international community is standing behind Israel in the understanding Hamas’ aggression must be halted. Olmert thanked Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni for her successful efforts towards enlisting support of many world leaders, now committed to the halt of weapons smuggling into Gaza, including the leaders of England, Germany and France, along with the United States of course.

The prime minister stressed “Israel left Gaza in 2005 up to the last millimeter with the intension of never returning… Hamas’ regime in Gaza is a branch of Iran in every way; funded, trained and supported by Tehran… they were mistaken. They miscalculate” regarding Israel’s response, which exceeded all of Hamas’ expectations, delivering a mighty blow to the terrorist regime’s infrastructure.

Mr. Olmert went on to defend the morality of the IDF, and the performance of the nation and the ongoing efforts to maintain humanitarian aid to Gaza, on a daily basis. “We do not have a battle with the Palestinian people, but with Hamas.”

“I spoke with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak today, and he detailed the points of the Egyptian efforts towards a ceasefire… as such, the cabinet agreed to accept my position and a ceasefire will begin at 2:00am. The IDF will maintain its presence in Gaza, as well as its vigilance, and will response to every violation and if our enemies wish to test us, not having learned with the blow sustained to date, the response will be a forceful one.  Hamas did not believe Israel would embark on such a major military campaign before elections and Hamas hasn’t yet realized the blow it sustained, but I suggest Hamas does not test us for such a move would be costly.”

Regarding Gilad Shalit, the prime minister stated he will not detail in a public forum, but assured the nation that Shalit’s plight remains at the top of the government’s agenda.

As of 2:00AM Sunday morning, January 18, 2009 (7:00PM EST – Saturday January 17, 2009), the IDF will halt all offensive operations in Gaza.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel – Motzei Shabbos Eretz Yisrael)

20 Responses

  1. What fools!!

    Thats what happens when the PM talks on Shabbos on the phone to Egypt. What can we expect from mechallelei Shabbos and oichlei nevalos utreyfos?

    HaShem ya’azor!

  2. I do not understand why a cease fire when hamas is still firing rockets at Israel. It is very sad when the Israeli Government is knuckling under World pressure to concede. BH two members in the Israeli Cabinet voted against the Cease Fire.

  3. I cant believe this.. why cant they finish alllllll the way and destroy them completely? what are they so scared of? Hamas is obviously continuing to attack.. and if they think they r gonna stop-(we hopesso B”H) unfortunately they are wrong..

  4. These people never learn. I believe it was in 1978 (1976?…I should use Google I guess) that the IDF had Beirut encircled and the entire PLO stuck. Thye were very close to wiping them all out, including that Arafat ysm’v. What happened? The world complained and the idiotic, world appeaseing “leaders” of the State allowed the PLO to leave, peacefully (although they were firing their guns in victory from the back of their trucks) and were allowed to regroup and continue their terroristic, murderous ways against all Jews, a true Am Kodesh.

    Just think. Had they wiped them out, would we have this Hamas and other murderers out there? Not nearly as bad as we have had for the last 30 years.

    Hashem Yisborech had once told us to wipe out Amalek off the face of the earth. They allowed one to survive and the peace and trainquility of our Am Kodesh was never realized.

    So too today, they had to be wiped off the face of the planet for us to realize at least a little peace that will hopefully take us to the Emes Geulah Shlaeimah. Hashem Yerachem Al Kol Yisroel (even the murderers from within).

  5. This may be just what was needed to remove any thoughts that anyone had that this shows it to be safe to vote for Livni or Barak.

  6. This is the strangest kind of spin. They explicitly stated their goals was to stop the rockets and destroy Hamas. How have they attained these goals? It’s just a publicity stunt before Obama comes in. It’s amazing. Why did all those people have to die if the State of Israel is exactly where it was to begin with?

  7. Looks like the Israelis lost again. They couldn’t get Shalit back, they weren’t able to cripple Hamas ability to fire rockets (they shelled Beersheva and Kiriyat Gat over Shabbos, according to the Jerusalem Post). They were able to annoy Hamas and kill a bunch of civilians, but annoying the enemy accomplishes nothing and killing civilians has never been an effective way of winning (the studies of WWII suggest it just makes the civilians more supportive of their own military). Having been defeated twice in Lebanon, and twice in Gaza, the Arabs feel they are on a “roll” and will press on to retake Jerusalem, the Negev and the Galil.

  8. #8. Are Yidden out of Eretz HaKodesh really safe? What about the daily attacks on Jews everywhere? Do not think the safety of your million dollar Flatbush home makes you safe? If I recall, the Holy Jews of Berlin and Viena also felt very safe. That didn’t work out too well, if I recall correctly.

    I can understand your trepidation of Kedoshim (who are exhibiting their want to continue until they are safe), but sometimes it is necessary to show the ones that wish to kill you that you will hurt them alot more.

    Never was Israel a safer place to live than post 1973. The Arabs yms’v were terrified of the Jewish people and let them happily. But the constant giving in to a one sided peace has only brought about the slaughter of hundreds and hundreds innocent Kedoshim by these mamzeirim.

    Safe in Flatbush and elsewhere should only be spending time beseeching the Bashefer for the safety of Klal Yisroel.

    Hashem Yerachem Al Kol Yisroel

  9. can someone please explain to me what this ceasefire is if hamas has openly said they wont stop firing rockets?????

    please answer

  10. I think it was a smart and calculated move by the Israelis. They probably realized that they won’t be able to take out every terrorist as they are in hiding, so they declare a ceasefire on condition that they don’t fire anymore rockets. Now, when they start to fire again (which, i don’t think they can control themselves enough to stop), Israel can go back in good conscience, and not look like the aggressors. Plus, bec. of the ceasefire, the hamas heads will slowly come out of there holes, and then when Israel starts again then can take them out. (they are still in there, so the intelligence is probably better)

  11. May we be zoche to see miracles in Gaza, the way we saw miracles on the Hudson.

    Let us not forget what is possible.
    the toll on our kinderlach is very high right now
    (see tehillim list)

    if Klal yisroel is safe from rocket fire, we have to hold back and DAAVEN.
    It is motzei shabbos.
    time to eat melava malka.
    sing zemiros.
    and Bentch.

    and say with all our hearts

    Bamarom Yilamdu Aleihem V’Alaynu Zechus
    Shetihay Lemishmeres Shalom!

    Amen Ken Yehi Ratzon

  12. Only fools trusted our “leaders” at times of war.
    Only fools will trust them in making “peace”.
    But let us trust in Ha-Shem and hope for a long-lasting and secure quiet on all of our borders and for all Jews (and for mankind as well).

  13. why cant they demand Gilad??!! They could ask for anything, they have the upper hand! Give us back our brother! Let his family have him back!

  14. According to websites, the new move will be to take down one Gaza hi-rise on the water for every incoming Katushya. This is a good plan because it doesn’t require troops on the ground, the response is proportional, rocket for rocket, and it will create a nice, clear skyline.

  15. again i propose any comments to do with war and yiddens blood and shmiras shabbos is shameful and is equal to holocaust justification bad luck to those fools!

    2nd gilad shalit is not worth any negotiation with terror on ure families

    and flatbusher sometimes u have to be firm about where ure goals are going to be before u conquer and fight which we frankly dont have theyre fighting for freedom and our goal is queit what do u think will happen noo force is not the anwer goals are

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