Barak: Ceasefire Begins at 02:00

barak1.jpgEchoing the words of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Defense Minister Ehud Barak stated the unilateral Israeli ceasefire will begin at 2:00am Sunday morning, January 18, 2009.

The minister stated the military goals were achieved, adding that “I do not wish to mislead anyone. We are halting to fire, but we will still face enemy attacks in Gaza and in the homefront and the IDF will response harshly to every single violation.”

Barak touched on his extensive history to support his decision and to exhibit his ability to internalize the sacrifice made by the fallen, the soldiers, the commanders, and the entire IDF network, stressing the operation was one that enjoys the nation’s support, a “justified war” that was forced upon the nation by a barbaric enemy.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. The polite thing to do when you are given the opportunity to say words in public is to first thank whoever helped the country achieve its goals. Ehud Barak – the polite thing is to first thank Hashem for making this all possible!

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